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(12:00 – 14:00 UTC)  Manifestation terminée

Capacity building journey ϲʿ/TC 314 on Ageing societies.


As a result of increased life expectancy, aged societies have emerged in many countries. In addition, developing countries and regions with rapid economic growth will be subject to increases to their ageing population over the next few decades. Whilst the increased ageing of society presents a number of challenges, such as increased pressure on health and social services, there are likely to be opportunities that will allow people to effectively manage their long term care, and live a high quality of life independently from institutionalized care nursing homes and hospitals for a sustained period. Standards could provide a way of setting out the principles for delivering the new products, services and solutions that will meet the future needs of our ageing societies in a new environment.

ϲʿ/TC 314 was established in December 2017 and has since had 6 plenary meetings. In this strategically important time we urge more experts become involved and support the development of standards.

To ensure that developing country voices are heard in this important committee, the ϲʿ capacity building unit is launching a capacity building journey to support efficient developing country participation in ϲʿ/TC 314. This initiative is implemented as part of the ϲʿ Action Plan for Developing Countries 2021-2025.

Objective of this session

This virtual session will be organized for ϲʿ members in developing countries to create awareness on ϲʿ/TC 314 and to train on key elements about ϲʿ, its standard development process and how to participate efficiently.


The session will be delivered in English with simultaneous interpretation into French and Spanish. An interactive format will be applied, where all participants are expected to contribute via polling questions and dedicated question and answer sessions.

Target Audience

Senior management, director of standardization and any other staff of ϲʿ members in developing countries.


28 September 2021: 12:00 to 14:00 pm UTC (14:00 to 16:00 pm Geneva time)
Join the free Zoom meeting by . 

  • When

  • Where
    Virtual workshop/Zoom

  • Language

    English with simultaneous interpretation into French and Spanish

  • who
    Senior management, director of standardization and any other staff of ϲʿ members in developing countries


ϲʿ/TC 314
Vieillissement de la population


  • Roswitha Franz, Programme Manager, ϲʿ Central Secretariat 
  • Fei Hou, Associate Researcher, China National institute of Standardization
  • Safina Namugga Ngobya, Head, Management & Services Standards Development, UNBS
  • Ian Sherriff, Academic Partnership Lead For Dementia, University of Plymouth
  • Ian Spero, Founder Agile Ageing Alliance
  • Nathan Taylor, Programme Manager, ϲʿ Central Secretariat
  • Nele Zgavc, Committee Manager, ϲʿ/TC 314


Time (UTC) Session
12:00 – 12:10

Welcome and objective

Roswitha Franz

12:10 – 12:20

Introduction to ϲʿ TC 314 

  • Importance & benefits expected from the work of TC 314
  • Stakeholder identification and engagement
  • Next steps for ϲʿ/TC 314

Nele Zgavc

12:20 – 12:30

Agile Ageing Alliance 

  • Partnership with ϲʿ/TC 314 and fit with strategic business plan
  • Stakeholders involved in the project
  • Next steps to propose the topic as a new work item into ϲʿ/TC 314

Ian Spero

12:30 – 12:40

Hear from an ϲʿ members who joined TC 314: Uganda 

Safina Namugga Ngobya 

12:40 – 12:50

Hear from an ϲʿ member who joined TC 314: China

Fei Hou

12:50 – 13:00

Hear from an expert who joined TC 314

Personal perspectives on the experience working in TC 314 & recommendations to ϲʿ members
Professional perspectives how multiple views could change standards in development 

Ian Sherriff

13:00 –13:20

Q&A with speakers


13:20 – 13:45

Next steps for ϲʿ member 

  • P-membership: strategic priority, role & obligation
  • Next steps
  • Twinning opportunities
  • Question and answers from participants

Nathan Taylor

13:45 – 14:00



Roswitha Franz
Roswitha Franz
Programme Manager