Titre Modification
2018 TC Business Plan 2018-11-21
Guidelines_for_the_implementation_of_the_Agreement_on_Technical_Cooperation_between_ϲʿ_and_CEN_(the_Vienna_Agreement)_7th_ed._Aug_2016.pdf 2017-09-30
Guidelines_on_the_submission_of_text_and_graphics_to_ϲʿ_CS.pdf 2019-06-13
ϲʿ Code of Conduct 2019.pdf 2019-07-22
ϲʿ TC 267 website 2018-03-01
ϲʿ TMB communique 2020-07-22
ϲʿ Vocabularies and Terminilogies_Best practices_CLv3_2016.pdf 2016-11-04
ϲʿ deliverables video slides 2020.pdf 2020-01-27
ϲʿ-IEC Directives_Part-1_consolidated version (E)_2020.pdf 2020-05-01
ϲʿ/IEC Directive Part 1 2019 2019-05-20
ϲʿ_IEC_Directives_Part_1_and_Consolidated_ϲʿ_Supplement_-_2017_(8th_edition)_-_PDF.pdf 2017-07-31
New ϲʿ standard in development to facilitate facilities management (2016-09-21) - ϲʿ News.pdf 2016-09-22
PMM_-_Roles,_responsibilities_and_capacity_requirements_EN_LD.pdf 2019-10-14
Zoom Video+Conferencing - Help and support 2018.pdf 2018-09-23
how-to-write-standards.pdf 2017-01-17
model_document-rice_model.pdf 2017-01-17
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