
Domaine des travaux


Standardization in the field of mechanical energy storage (MES) technology including terminology, components, functions, design, safety, testing, construction, and maintenance of mechanical energy storage devices. It focuses on the mechanical and physical aspects of mechanical energy storage technology and equipment.

  • air compressors, air compression systems, and compressed air handling technologies covered by ϲʿ/TC 118
  • apparatus and measurement of vacuum equipment covered by ϲʿ/TC 112
  • flywheel module design and testing on aircraft covered by ϲʿ/TC 20
  • elements of spherical plain bearings covered by ϲʿ/TC 4
  • pump equipment covered by ϲʿ/TC 115
  • pumped storage covered by IEC/TC 4
  • "

Liens utiles

  • Plans d'action pour examen public
  • Documents de travail (compte utilisateur nécessaire)
  • Outils TI pour l'élaboration des normes
Membres participants
Membres observateurs
Date Mois Lieu TC/SC Note
12 Novembre 2024 Nanjing, Jiangsu Province (China) ϲʿ/TC 346  

* Information définitive mais réunion pas encore convoquée
** Provisoire

ϲʿ/TC 346 - Secrétariat

SAC [Chine]

Standardization Administration of China
No. 9 Madian Donglu, Haidian District
Beijing 100088

Tel: +8610 8226 2644
Fax: +8610 8226 0660