Sigla Nombre
GA4GH Global Alliance for Genomics and Health
GABV Global Alliance for Banking on Values
GAFTA The Grain and Feed Trade Association
GALA Globalization and Localization Association (GALA)
GAPPS Global Alliance for the Project Professions
GATE-Equality Global Action for Trans Equality
GCCSI Global CCS Institute
GCIF Global City Indicators Facility
GDSO Global Data Service Organisation for tyres and automotive components
GEDNet Global Type III Environmental Product Declarations Network
GEDSA The Global Enteral Device Supplier Association
GEN Global Ecolabelling Network
GEO Group on Earth Observations
GERES Groupe Energies Renouvelables, Environnement et Solidarit茅s
GERG European Gas Research Group
GFSI Global Food Safety Initiative
GH2 Green Hydrogen Organization
GHG GHG Management Institute
GIE Gas Infrastructure Europe
GIIGNL International Group of Liquefied Natural Gas Importers
GINETEX International Association for Textile Care Labelling
GLA Global Lighting Association Limited
GLEIF Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation
Global FM Global FM
Global Platform - Global Platform Inc. Global Platform Inc.
GMG Global Mining Guidelines Group
GOTS Global Organic Textile Standard
Govern for Impact International Policy Governance Association
GPA Global Privacy Assembly
GRCTC GRC Technology Centre
GRI Global Reporting Initiative
GRSF Global Road Safety Forum
GRSP Global Road Safety Partnership
GSBN Global Shipping Business Network Limited
GSF The Gold Standard Foundation
GSTC Global Sustainable Tourism Council
GUTMA Global UTM Association