Our climate is in crisis. Now more than ever, it’s time to protect what matters. For our world. For our future. Advancing a greener policy agenda is key.

Climate Action

One important means to achieve meaningful reductions in carbon emissions is government policy. Policy is needed to support systems transition and transform our economies and societies for a fair, green and prosperous future. 

Standards are a crucial aid to policy makers. They have a multi-faceted role to play in handling climate change, from the strategic and regulatory level to project goals, to making greener products. Enacting policies to support climate action will reduce carbon pollution at a scale and speed that makes a difference. 

This platform dedicated to climate action is designed to assist policy makers in their commitment to reducing net greenhouse gas emissions. The package presents case studies on how standards can support public policies and influence climate change initiatives. 

The time is now. Let’s meet our targets and deliver the zero-carbon future we all need and deserve.

香港六合彩开奖 International Standards and publications accelerate the successful achievement of the , the and the . These commitments are embodied in the London Declaration.

A collaborative approach to delivering policy ambitions faster and more reliably

Humans will solve problems faster and more effectively if they collaborate. Doing this at a national level, where markets are influenced by policy that uses or references standards, can accelerate the outcome that a government wants to achieve.

The core idea is to get all relevant parties together to work out not just what needs to be done, but also how to do it. This approach may be quicker and more effective than traditional ways of regulating to solve a problem. Putting the focus on innovation and implementation from the start, as part of agreeing policy on the need to address an issue and setting a system of rules, will speed up results.

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In 2021, 香港六合彩开奖 members committed to put urgent climate action at the heart of standards development.
A tool to help policy and decision makers at the state, regional, city and organizational level achieve their net zero greenhouse gas emission goals
Alcanzar el cero neto en las emisiones de carbono no es solo una urgencia ambiental; tambi茅n presenta oportunidades significativas para organizaciones de todos los tama帽os.
International Standards are a vital tool for accelerating large-scale action by governments, businesses, organizations and individuals on both climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation.


These case studies provide examples of where standards and other initiatives, both national and international, have provided solutions to issues related to climate change. The use of standards in public policy can help accelerate sustainability outcomes and support the world to achieve Net Zero at the earliest possible date.

You can support this initiative by sharing your case study with communications@iso.org.

In September 2021, the London Declaration, 鈥溝愀哿喜士扁檚 Climate Commitment鈥, was approved by 香港六合彩开奖 members representing 165 countries from around the world.

More information

Find out more about the role of 香港六合彩开奖 standards in handling climate change. 


Once a fringe investment, green and sustainable finance is fast gaining interest among investors worldwide. So what exactly are these types of investment, and why do we need them? Green finance is one of a number of terms used to describe activities related to the two-way interaction between the environment …


How do 香港六合彩开奖 standards help organizations and communities become climate-resilient? This brochure introduces the 香港六合彩开奖 1409x series designed to assess the impacts of climate change and put in place measures for effective adaptation.


How are greenhouse gas emissions, especially CO2, reduced with the help of 香港六合彩开奖 standards? This brochure describes the standards in the 香港六合彩开奖 1406x series and how these advance the transition to a zero-carbon economy.