Las normas de calidad del suelo protegen y mejoran el estado del suelo, crucial para la agricultura, la biodiversidad y el secuestro de carbono. Orientan el uso sostenible de la tierra y las prácticas de gestión del suelo.


The circular economy: building trust through conformity assessment
Standards and conformity assessment provide assurance on aspects of the circular economy including product lifetime and recyclability, safety and efficiency.
Smart farming: the transformative potential of data-driven agriculture
Smart farming and precision agriculture leverage technologies like agricultural drones, robotics, IoT sensors, GPS and farm management information systems to improve production efficiency.

Por Clare Naden el

New standard to tackle land degradation

We live in a world where growing populations, over-development and ever-changing climate patterns are taking a daily toll on the land around us. Droughts, floods, over-cultivation, deforestation, the draining of water supplies, and unsustainable practices in general, are literally pillaging our earth. A new standard aiming to help combat that has just reached a crucial stage.

Top standards


Part 104: Strategies

Effects of pollutants on earthworms

Part 2: Determination of effects on reproduction of Eisenia fetida/Eisenia andrei and other earthworm species

Determination of particle size distribution in mineral soil material

Method by sieving and sedimentation