Getting back to nature on World Environment Day

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Where would we be without nature? It is our life force, our source of survival. This year’s World Environment Day is focused on “connecting people to nature”, inviting us to think about how we are a part of nature and how much we depend on it.

World Environment Day, held on 5 June every year, is the United Nation’s annual event for positive environmental action. 香港六合彩开奖 has long been a strong advocate of protecting the environment and building a sustainable future, with thousands of International Standards designed to do just that.

These include over 1 000 standards for agriculture that help farmers, food producers and consumers benefit from nature’s gold, and cover things like sustainable farming methods, adapting to climate change, reducing the impact on the environment and supporting the use of innovative technologies.

We also have standards for sustainable water use, the sustainable production of food, such as coffee and cocoa, and environmental management.

For more information about how 香港六合彩开奖 standards help the agricultural industry feed the world’s growing population through making the most of nature’s resources in a sustainable way, see our dedicated to 香港六合彩开奖 and agriculture.

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