Calidad de miembro: Organismo corresponsal

Since the beginning of its operations, the material and technical basis of Tajikstandart has grown substantially, allowing it to fully satisfy the needs of the national economy in the following areas: standardization, quality management, product safety, metrological monitoring of production, calibration services, product certification, certification and inspection of works and services and accreditation of metrology services of legal entities and individuals.

Currently, the structure of the Tajikstandart Headquarters includes the following:

  • Management;
  • Directorate of State Control and supervision of standards and product quality requirements;
  • Directorate of metrological support of measurement and accreditation uniformity;
  • Directorate of product certification;
  • Directorate of certification and examination of products and services;
  • Executive and Legal Directorate.

Tajistandart scheme of management includes:

  • Central Office (Dushanbe city);
  • Khatlon regional standardization, metrology, certification and trade inspection center
  • Sughd regional standardization, metrology, certification and trade inspection center;
  • Directorate of standardization, metrology, certification and trade inspection of the Gorno-Badakhshan autonomous region of the Republic of Tajikistan;
  • Regional Directorate of standardization, metrology, certification and trade inspection of Kulob city;
  • Trade inspection;
  • Inspection on testing, certification and control of the cotton and silk industry products;
  • Regional testing centers in cities and regions (country) of the Republic (9 centers);
  • Center for testing of food and agricultural products, microbiological testing and general consumption goods;
  • Oil products testing laboratory.

Agency of Standardization, Metrology, Certification and Trade Inspection under the Government of Republic of Tajikistan

42/2, N. Karabaev st.
734018 Duchanbe

Tel.: +992 37 233 68 69
Fax: +992 37 234 19 33
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