Calidad de miembro: Organismo miembro
COSQC, an independent government agency, was established by Law no.54 of 1979, acts as a consultant on quality control and standardization issues for the government ministries and state owned enterprises, and maintains relationships with international standards organizations. It is the central body in Iraq. The organization is presided by a president with minister deputy grade.
It consists of three directorates directly connected to the president of the organization and each one headed by a general director, and are as follows:
1-Directorate of Standardization, Consists of 3 departments:
a. Standards Dept.
b. Metrology Dept.
c. Hallmark Dept.
2- Directorate of Quality Control, Consists of 6 departments:
a. Chemical industries dept.
b. Food industries dept.
c. Constructional industries dept.
d. Engineering industries dept.
e. Textiles industries dept.
f. Quality management dept.
3- Directorate of Administrative and Technical Services, Consists of 7 departments:
a. Finance services dept.
b. Personnel dept.
c. Administrative services dept.
d. Planning and development dept.
e. Industrial property dept.
f. Maintenance dept.
g. Information and public relationship dept.
In addition, the following departments are directly connected to the president of the organization:
1-Legal dept.
2-Auditing dept.
3-Laboratories accreditation dept.
4-Information and international cooperation dept.

Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control

Ministry of Planning
P.O. Box 13032

Tel.: +964 1 776 19 80
Fax: +964 1 776 19 81
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Miembro observador