Calidad de miembro: Organismo miembro

Establishment of SASMO 

  • SASMO, the Syrian Arab Organization for Standardization and Metrology, was established by Law No. 248 of 13 October 1969, and associated with the Ministry of Industry, in light of the following reasons: the importance of standards and metrology to the economy by improving the quality of national production, as well as their role in facilitating trade, reducing costs, limiting waste, protecting consumers, maintaining fair competition among producers, maintaining our national products' reputation, and increasing competence in international markets.
  • This decree was amended by Act No. 37 of 2005 to grant scientific bodies administrative and financial autonomy under the aegis of the Ministry of Industry.

SASMO Objectives

  • Adopt national regulation for standards and metrology according to accepted international practices.
  • Follow scientific developments in the fields of standards and metrology, conformity assessment, and laboratory accreditation.
  • Issue or adopt effective standards to ensure the health, environmental protection, and public safety of citizens.
  • Ensure the quality of national products by adopting effective standards that will enable these products to compete in local, Arab, and international markets, and consequently to support the national economy.

SASMO Activities

  • Develop, distribute, and amend national standards and measures for products, materials, and services.
  • Grant the right to use the Conformity Mark and the Quality Mark for products and services.
  • Provide adopted references for unified measures.
  • Issue unified classifications, technical terms, definitions, and symbols for products, materials, and services.
  • Provide resources to guarantee excellence in production and to ensure that goods and raw materials comply with the adopted standards; issue related certificates.
  • Calibrate measuring equipment and oversee its accuracy, as well as other legal measurements; settle differences resulting from the application of these measurements by parties concerned.
  • Oversee the quality of jewels, precious metals, and stones; calibrate and hallmark them.
  • Oversee implementation and enforcement of the National Measurement Law.
  • Oversee the application of standards in order to ensure their soundness, feasibility, promotion, and amendment where necessary.
  • Carry out tests for and ensure the safety of raw materials and products subject to standardization, and ensure conformity with the adopted standards.
  • Train and certify staff for all SASMO activities.
  • Provide documentary, informational, scientific, and industrial services.
  • Organize conferences and hold symposiums in its field of specialization.
  • Coordinate with Arab and international standardization bodies on the unification of standards and the mutual recognition of conformity certificates, quality marks, laboratory accreditation certificates, and evaluation basis of accrediting bodies.
  • Circulate, distribute, and sell publications concerning adopted standards issued by SASMO or other Arab, regional, or international organizations.
  • Carry out required scientific research for standards development and ensure the safety of their application.
  • Represent the Syrian Arab Republic regionally and internationally in the fields of standards, measurements, and quality.
  • Harmonize the organization's activities with its Arab and international counterparts.

SASMO Membership

  • AIDMO: Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization
  • 香港六合彩开奖: International Organization for Standardization
  • IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission
  • FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. SASMO is the National Contact Point in this field; it also carries out the tasks of the General Secretariat of the National CODEX Alimentarius Committee.
  • OIML: International Organization of Legal Metrology

Syrian Arab Organization for Standardization and Metrology

Moadameia Street-AL-Somarieh Area
P.O. Box 11836
Damascus 11836
Syrian Arab Republic

Tel.: +963 11 613 18 52
Fax: + 963 11 6131834
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