Calidad de miembro: Organismo miembro

The General Bureau of Standards (DGN by its Spanish initials) of the Ministry of Economy of México, is the Mexican regulatory agency that leads public policy actions to strengthen the National Quality Infrastructure System.

Since 2020, Mexico has implemented the new Quality Infrastructure Law (QIL) which main objective is to establish a system to promote economic development, industrial policy, domestic and international trade and meet the legitimate objectives of public interest.

The general aim of the National Quality Infrastructure System is to coordinate the development of technical regulation and standards to implement and promote their use. The system consists of seven fundamental activities national, regional and international: standardization, technical regulations, metrology, conformity assessment, accreditation, verification and market surveillance.

The main functions of the DGN are:

  • Chair the National Quality Infrastructure Commission, body responsible for directing and coordinating activities in matters of technical regulations, standardization, conformity assessment and metrology.
  • Coordinate the activities among the members of the National Quality Infrastructure System, ensuring that the uniformity of processes, criteria and schemes prevail in the application of the QIL.
  • Chair, coordinate and represent the Mexican Committees in the international organizations for standardization and other relevant fora.
  • Set public policies regarding technical regulation, standardization, accreditation, conformity assessment and metrology, also to promote the culture of compliance with Technical Regulations, Mexican Standards and International Standards.
  • Promote and carry out activities of scientific research, technological development and innovation in the field of metrology and thereby advance scientific knowledge for the application of measurements as the basis of innovation in México.

Direcci贸n General de Normas

RFC: SEC8301019V9
Pachuca #189,
Colonia Condesa,
Demarcaci贸n territorial: Cuauht茅moc
C.P. 06140, Ciudad de M茅xico

Tel.: +52 55 57 29 91 00
Fax: +52 55 55 20 97 15
Correo electr贸nico:

Participaci贸n de TC

Miembro participante
Miembro observador

Participaci贸n de PDC

Miembro participante
