Calidad de miembro: Organismo corresponsal
The Republic of Moldova is currently a developing country and there still remains a need to support the economy and adjust the standardization activity in order to meet the increasing demands of the market and society.
The central specialized body from the public administration responsible for the quality infrastructure is the Ministry of Economy. In conformity with the Law on national standardization Nº 20 of 2016.03.04, the Ministry of Economy establishes the standardization policy.
In January 2013, the National Institute for Standardization and Metrology of Moldova (INSM) was reorganized and split into two separate institutions: the National Institute for Standardization (INS) and the National Metrology Institute (INM).
In the Republic of Moldova, a new law that provides the legal framework for the national standardization activities has been approved. According to it, the National Institute for Standardization (INS) has changed its name to Institute for Standardization of Moldova, with the following short name – ISM.
ISM is a public institution and has the following main functions:
  • cooperates with the regulatory authorities and with other interested parties and includes, as a priority, their requests in the National Standardization Program;
  • provides information, on request, to the regulatory authorities, technical committees and other interested parties regarding the stage of development, approval, reconfirmation, modification and cancellation of the normative documents included in the national standardization program, as well as regarding the standardization activity in all the regulated fields;
  • works together with the regulatory authorities on the withdrawal of conflicting national standards;
  • adopts international, European, interstate and other countries' standards as Moldovan standards.

Institute for Standardization of Moldova

28, E. Coca str.
Chisinau MD-2064
Moldova, Republic of

Tel.: +373 22 905 300
Fax: +373 22 905 310
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