Viale Lancetti, 43
I-20158 Milan

Тел.: +39 02 38 10 33 33
Факс: +39 02 38 10 32 88

  • Общее число рабочих связей: 1
  • Рабочие связи категории А: 1
  • Рабочие связи категории B: 0
  • Рабочие связи категории C: 0
Ссылка Заголовок Тип
ϲʿ/TC 107 Metallic and other inorganic coatings A

Liaisons A: Organizations that make an effective contribution to the work of the technical committee or subcommittee for questions dealt with by this technical committee or subcommittee. 
Liaisons B: Organizations that have indicated a wish to be kept informed of the work of the technical committee or subcommittee. 
Liaisons C: Organizations that make a technical contribution to and participate actively in the work of a working group.