
  • Секретариат: JISC
    Менеджер комитета:
    Mr Koichi Matsuoka
  • Председатель (до конца 2024):
    Mr Masanori Misumi
  • Менеджер ИСО по техническим программам [TPM]:
    Ms Monica Ibido
    Менеджер ИСО по редакционным программам [EM]:
    Alexander Estrada
  • Дата создания : 2021

Область деятельности

Standardization in the field of Sustainable mobility and transportation will promote and support a multi-sectorial integrated approach of sustainable cities and communities with a long-term vision based on the purposes of sustainability defined in ϲʿ 37101.

The SubCommittee will consider organisational issues, infrastructures and services in the mobility and transportation options for cities and communities, including those related to new technologies (i.e. electric, hydrogen, autonomous). The proposed series of International Standards will provide requirements, frameworks, guidance and supporting techniques and tools for cities and territories, as well as all mobility and transportation stakeholders to plan, develop, operate, maintain and manage sustainable mobility and transportation systems and services with a long-term vision.

Excluded: Road Vehicles covered by ϲʿ/TC 22, Intelligent transport systems covered by ϲʿ/TC 204, Railway applications covered by ϲʿ/TC 269, and Electrical equipment and systems for railways covered by IEC/TC 9.

Note: To ensure the development of a consistent set of standards on Sustainable mobility, ϲʿ/TC 268/SC2 will liaise with relevant ϲʿ and IEC committees.

Быстрый поиск

  • Проекты и новые рабочие темы
  • ИТ-инструменты, разработанные для поддержания процесса разработки стандартов

Опубликованных стандартов *


Стандартов ИСО, находящихся *

Полноправных членов

* число включает обновленную информацию

Ссылки Заголовок Тип
ϲʿ/TC 268/SC 2/AHG 1  секретариат." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Smart operation and maintenance Рабочая группа
ϲʿ/TC 268/SC 2/WG 1  секретариат." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Digital governance Рабочая группа
ϲʿ/TC 268/SC 2/WG 2  секретариат." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Platform and services Рабочая группа
Комитет по рабочим связям с ϲʿ/TC 268/SC 2

Комитет, указанный ниже, имеет доступ к следующим документам ϲʿ/TC 268/SC 2:

Ссылка Заголовок ИСО/МЭК
IEC/TC 9 Electrical equipment and systems for railways IEC
ϲʿ/TC 22 Road vehicles ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 204 Intelligent transport systems ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 269 Railway applications ϲʿ


Комитеты по рабочим связям ϲʿ/TC 268/SC 2

ϲʿ/TC 268/SC 2 можно получить доступ к документам комитетов ниже

Ссылка Заголовок ИСО/МЭК
IEC/SyC Smart Cities Electrotechnical aspects of Smart Cities IEC
IEC/TC 9 Electrical equipment and systems for railways IEC
IEC/TC 69 Electrical power/energy transfer systems for electrically propelled road vehicles and industrial trucks IEC
ϲʿ/TC 22 Road vehicles ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 204 Intelligent transport systems ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 269 Railway applications ϲʿ
Дата Меяц Местоположение ТК/ПК Примечание
22 October 2024 Virtual () ϲʿ/TC 268/SC 2  

* Информация определена, но заседание еще официально не проведено
** Предварительное

ϲʿ/TC 268/SC 2 - Секретариат

JISC [Japan]

Japanese Industrial Standards Committee
Technical Regulations, Standards & Conformity Assessment Policy Unit
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
1-3-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100 - 8901

Tel: +81 3 35 01 94 71
Fax: +81 3 35 80 86 37