
  • Секретариат: BSI
    Менеджер комитета:
    Dr Beata Mroz-Orlikowska
  • Председатель (до конца 2024):
    Mrs Sam Somerville
  • Менеджер ИСО по техническим программам [TPM]:
    Ms Sally Swingewood
    Менеджер ИСО по редакционным программам [EM]:
    Ms Nicola Perou
  • Дата создания : 1982

Область деятельности

Standardization in the field of quality management and quality assurance, as well as documents that support excellence in all types of organizations.

Для получения дополнительной информации перейдите на веб-сайт технического комитета.

Быстрый поиск

  • Проекты и новые рабочие темы
  • Рабочие документы (требуется наличие учетной записи)
  • ИТ-инструменты, разработанные для поддержания процесса разработки стандартов
  • Просмотр документов, предоставленных данной группой

Опубликованных стандартов *


Стандарт ИСО, находящийся *

Полноправных членов

* число включает обновленную информацию

Ссылки Заголовок Тип
ϲʿ/TC 176/SC 2/AG 1  секретариат." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Strategic planning and operations Рабочая группа
ϲʿ/TC 176/SC 2/TG 1  секретариат." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Input into ϲʿ/TMB groups and task forces Рабочая группа
ϲʿ/TC 176/SC 2/TG 4  секретариат." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Interpretations Рабочая группа
ϲʿ/TC 176/SC 2/TG 6  секретариат." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Preliminary work for future revision of ϲʿ TS 9002 and ϲʿ SME Handbook Рабочая группа
ϲʿ/TC 176/SC 2/WG 29 Revision of ϲʿ 9001 Рабочая группа
Комитет по рабочим связям с ϲʿ/TC 176/SC 2

Комитет, указанный ниже, имеет доступ к следующим документам ϲʿ/TC 176/SC 2:

Ссылка Заголовок ИСО/МЭК
IEC/SC 31M Non-electrical equipment and protective systems for explosive atmospheres IEC
IEC/TC 56 Dependability IEC
IECQ Quality Assessment System For Electronic Components IEC
ϲʿ/CASCO Committee on conformity assessment ϲʿ
ϲʿ/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 Software and systems engineering ϲʿ/IEC
ϲʿ/IEC JTC 1/SC 40 IT service management and IT governance ϲʿ/IEC
ϲʿ/TC 20 Aircraft and space vehicles ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 20/SC 16 Uncrewed Aircraft Systems ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 34 Food products ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 46/SC 11 Archives/records management ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 67 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 69 Applications of statistical methods ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 76 Transfusion, infusion and injection, and blood processing equipment for medical and pharmaceutical use ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 79/SC 4 Unalloyed (refined) aluminium ingots ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 85 Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 163/SC 3 Thermal insulation products, components and systems ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 176/SC 1 Concepts and terminology ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 176/SC 3 Supporting technologies ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 207/SC 1 Environmental management systems ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 210 Quality management and corresponding general aspects for products with a health purpose including medical devices ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 215 Health informatics ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 251 Asset management ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 258 Project, programme and portfolio management ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 262 Risk management ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 269 Railway applications ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 279 Innovation management ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 283 Occupational health and safety management ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 312 Excellence in service ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 342 Management consultancy ϲʿ


Комитеты по рабочим связям ϲʿ/TC 176/SC 2

ϲʿ/TC 176/SC 2 можно получить доступ к документам комитетов ниже

Ссылка Заголовок ИСО/МЭК
IEC/SC 31M Non-electrical equipment and protective systems for explosive atmospheres IEC
ϲʿ/CASCO Committee on conformity assessment ϲʿ
ϲʿ/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 Software and systems engineering ϲʿ/IEC
ϲʿ/TC 20 Aircraft and space vehicles ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 34 Food products ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 67 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 76 Transfusion, infusion and injection, and blood processing equipment for medical and pharmaceutical use ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 79/SC 4 Unalloyed (refined) aluminium ingots ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 207/SC 1 Environmental management systems ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 210 Quality management and corresponding general aspects for products with a health purpose including medical devices ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 213 Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 251 Asset management ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 258 Project, programme and portfolio management ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 269 Railway applications ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 279 Innovation management ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 283 Occupational health and safety management ϲʿ
ϲʿ/PC 302 Guidelines for auditing management systems ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 304 Healthcare organization management ϲʿ


Рабочие связи (Категории А и B)
Акроним Заголовок Тип рабочей связи
African EF AEF A
AKMS Arab Knowledge Management Society A
CI Consumers International A
CLEPA European Association of Automative Suppliers A
CPM College of Performance Management A
EC - European Commission European Commission A
EFCA/FIDIC International Federation of Consulting Engineers A
EOQ European Organization for Quality A
FUNDIBEQ Fundación Iberoamericana para la gestión de la calidad A
IAF International Accreditation Forum, Inc. A
IAQG International Aerospace Quality Group A
IATF International Automotive Task Force A
IIOA Independent International Organisation for Assurance A
ILAC International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation A
INLAC Latinoamerican Institute for Quality Assurance A
IPC International Personnel Certification Association (IPC) A
IPMA International Project Management Association A
IQNet IQNet Association - The International Certification Network A
OIML International Organization of Legal Metrology A
SAE SAE International A
The CQI The Chartered Quality Institute A
TIA Telecommunications Industry Association A
WHO World Health Organization A

Дата Меяц Местоположение ТК/ПК Примечание
24 October 2024 Virtual () ϲʿ/TC 176/SC 2  

* Информация определена, но заседание еще официально не проведено
** Предварительное

ϲʿ/TC 176/SC 2 - Секретариат

BSI [United Kingdom]

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