
  • Секретариат: SAC
    Менеджер комитета:
    Ms Jing Wang
  • Председатель (до конца 2024):
    Mr Yanqing Li
  • Менеджер ИСО по техническим программам [TPM]:
    Mme Mercè Ferrés Hernández
    Менеджер ИСО по редакционным программам [EM]:
    Ms Isabel Veronica Nelson
  • Дата создания : 1947

Область деятельности

Standardization of design, construction, training, structural elements, outfitting parts, equipment, methods and technology, and marine environmental matters, used in shipbuilding, comprising sea-going ships, vessels for inland navigation, offshore structures, ship-to-shore interface, the operation of ships, marine structures subject to IMO requirements, and the observation and exploration of the sea.


  • electrical and electronic equipment on board ships and marine structures (IEC / TC 18 and IEC / TC 80);
  • internal combustion engines (ϲʿ / TC 70);
  • offshore structures for petroleum and natural gas industries, including procedures for assessment of the site specific application of mobile offshore drilling and accommodation units for the petroleum and natural gas industry (ϲʿ / TC 67 / SC 7);
  • steel and aluminum structures (ϲʿ / TC 167);
  • equipment and construction details of recreational craft and other small craft (not being lifeboats and lifesaving equipment) less than 24 metres in overall length (ϲʿ / TC 188);
  • sea bed mining;
  • equipment which is not specific for use on board ships and marine structures (e.g. pipes, steel wire ropes, etc.) and falling within the scope of particular ϲʿ technical committees with which a regular mutual liaison must be maintained.

Для получения дополнительной информации перейдите на веб-сайт технического комитета.

Быстрый поиск

  • Проекты и новые рабочие темы
  • Бизнес-планы ТК для публичного рассмотрения
  • Рабочие документы (требуется наличие учетной записи)
  • ИТ-инструменты, разработанные для поддержания процесса разработки стандартов
  • Просмотр документов, предоставленных данной группой

Опубликованных стандартов *

из которых 28 находящиеся в компетенции ϲʿ/TC 8


Стандартов ИСО, находящихся *

из которых 7 находящиеся в компетенции ϲʿ/TC 8

Полноправных членов

* число включает обновленную информацию

Ссылки Заголовок Тип
ϲʿ/TC 8/SC 1 Maritime safety Подкомитет
ϲʿ/TC 8/SC 2 Marine environment protection Подкомитет
ϲʿ/TC 8/SC 3 Piping and machinery Подкомитет
ϲʿ/TC 8/SC 4 Outfitting and deck machinery Подкомитет
ϲʿ/TC 8/SC 6 Navigation and ship operations Подкомитет
ϲʿ/TC 8/SC 7 Inland navigation vessels Подкомитет
ϲʿ/TC 8/SC 8 Ship design Подкомитет
ϲʿ/TC 8/SC 11 Intermodal and Short Sea Shipping Подкомитет
ϲʿ/TC 8/SC 12 Ships and marine technology - Large yachts Подкомитет
ϲʿ/TC 8/SC 13 Marine technology Подкомитет
ϲʿ/TC 8/SC 25 Maritime GHG reduction Подкомитет
ϲʿ/TC 8/SC 26 Smart shipping Подкомитет
ϲʿ/TC 8/AG 1  секретариат." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Chair's Advisory Group Рабочая группа
ϲʿ/TC 8/WG 3  секретариат." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Special offshore structures and support vessels Рабочая группа
ϲʿ/TC 8/WG 4  секретариат." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Maritime security Рабочая группа
ϲʿ/TC 8/WG 6  секретариат." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Ship recycling Рабочая группа
ϲʿ/TC 8/WG 10  секретариат." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Smart shipping Рабочая группа
ϲʿ/TC 8/WG 11  секретариат." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Dredgers Рабочая группа
ϲʿ/TC 8/WG 12  секретариат." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Aquatic nuisance species Рабочая группа
ϲʿ/TC 8/WG 14 Maritime education and training Рабочая группа
ϲʿ/TC 8/WG 15  секретариат." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Ocean Negative Carbon Emissions and Carbon Neutrality (ONCE-CN) Рабочая группа
Комитет по рабочим связям с ϲʿ/TC 8

Комитет, указанный ниже, имеет доступ к следующим документам ϲʿ/TC 8:

Ссылка Заголовок ИСО/МЭК
IEC/TC 18 Electrical installations of ships and of mobile and fixed offshore units IEC
ϲʿ/TC 8/SC 12 Ships and marine technology - Large yachts ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 28 Petroleum and related products, fuels and lubricants from natural or synthetic sources ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 28/SC 4 Classifications and specifications ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 67 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 67/SC 9 Production, transport and storage facilities for cryogenic liquefied gases ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 92/SC 1 Fire initiation and growth ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 104 Freight containers ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 154 Processes, data elements and documents in commerce, industry and administration ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 156/SC 1 Corrosion control engineering life cycle ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 184 Automation systems and integration ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 204 Intelligent transport systems ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 207 Environmental management ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 269 Railway applications ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 292 Security and resilience ϲʿ


Комитеты по рабочим связям ϲʿ/TC 8

ϲʿ/TC 8 можно получить доступ к документам комитетов ниже

Ссылка Заголовок ИСО/МЭК
IEC/TC 18 Electrical installations of ships and of mobile and fixed offshore units IEC
IEC/TC 80 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems IEC
ϲʿ/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection ϲʿ/IEC
ϲʿ/IEC JTC 1/SC 41 Internet of things and digital twin ϲʿ/IEC
ϲʿ/TC 28 Petroleum and related products, fuels and lubricants from natural or synthetic sources ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 28/SC 2 Measurement of petroleum and related products ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 28/SC 4 Classifications and specifications ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 67 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 67/SC 7 Offshore structures ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 67/SC 9 Production, transport and storage facilities for cryogenic liquefied gases ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 70/SC 8 Exhaust gas emission measurement ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 104 Freight containers ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 108 Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 154 Processes, data elements and documents in commerce, industry and administration ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 156/SC 1 Corrosion control engineering life cycle ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 159/SC 1 General ergonomics principles ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 159/SC 3 Anthropometry and biomechanics ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 184 Automation systems and integration ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 188 Small craft ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 207 Environmental management ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 207/SC 5 Life cycle assessment ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 207/SC 7 Greenhouse gas and climate change management and related activities ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 265 Carbon dioxide capture, transportation, and geological storage ϲʿ
ϲʿ/TC 292 Security and resilience ϲʿ


Рабочие связи (Категории А и B)
Акроним Заголовок Тип рабочей связи
AMPP Association for Materials Protection and Performance A
BIMCO Baltic & International Maritime Council A
CIRM International Association for Marine Electronics Companies A
CLIA Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) A
DCSA Digital Container Shipping Association A
EC - European Commission European Commission A
IACS - classification International Association of Classification Societies A
IAPH International Association of Ports and Harbours A
ICOMIA International Council of Marine Industry Associations A
ICS - shipping International Chamber of Shipping A
ILAMA International Life-Saving Appliance Manufacturers' Association A
ILO International Labour Organization A
IMCA International Marine Contractors Association A
IMEA International Marine Electronics Alliance A
IMO International Maritime Organization A
IMPA International Maritime Pilots' Association A
ISMA International Security Management association A
ISRA International Ship Recycling Association A
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (AC/35) A
NGV Global Natural Gas Vehicle Knowledge Base A
One Sea One Sea A
RINA The Royal Institution of Naval Architects A
SAMI Security Association for the Maritime Industry A
SGMF The Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel A
SIGTTO Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators A
SNAME The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers A
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme A
WCO World Customs Organization A
WMO World Meteorological Organization A
WOAH World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) A
World Shipping Council World Shipping Council A

Рабочие связи (Категории С)

Рабочие связи категорий C, присутствующих в Рабочей группе

Акроним Заголовок Тип рабочей связи
ASEF Active Shipbuilding Experts' Federation C
Дата Меяц Местоположение ТК/ПК Примечание
23 September 2024 Virtual () ϲʿ/TC 8/SC 25  
23 September 2024 INTERNATIONAL MARITIME UNIVERSITY OF PANAMA,138700-1 College Street, Panama City, Panama Province (Panama) ϲʿ/TC 8/SC 13  
23-27 September 2024 Panama City (Panama) ϲʿ/TC 8  
26 September 2024 Panama City (Panama) ϲʿ/TC 8/SC 11  
21-25 October 2024 Haeyang-ro (Korea, Republic of) ϲʿ/TC 8/SC 8  
28-2 April-May 2025 Copenhagen (Denmark) ϲʿ/TC 8/SC 1 *

* Информация определена, но заседание еще официально не проведено
** Предварительное

ϲʿ/TC 8 - Секретариат

SAC [China]

Standardization Administration of China
No. 9 Madian Donglu, Haidian District
Beijing 100088

Tel: +8610 8226 2644
Fax: +8610 8226 0660