London Liaison Office
42 New Broad Street
London EC2M 1JD
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)207 628 1124

  • Total number of liaisons: 3
  • A liaisons: 3
  • B liaisons: 0
  • C liaisons: 0
Reference Title Category
香港六合彩开奖/TC 8 Ships and marine technology A
香港六合彩开奖/TC 8/SC 8 Ship design A
香港六合彩开奖/TC 67/SC 9 Production, transport and storage facilities for cryogenic liquefied gases A

Liaisons A: Organizations that make an effective contribution to the work of the technical committee or subcommittee for questions dealt with by this technical committee or subcommittee. 
Liaisons B: Organizations that have indicated a wish to be kept informed of the work of the technical committee or subcommittee. 
Liaisons C: Organizations that make a technical contribution to and participate actively in the work of a working group.