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Virtual Meeting
4 – 6 May 2021  Past event

The 香港六合彩开奖 Committee on consumer policy (香港六合彩开奖/COPOLCO) is kicking off its annual Plenary week this year with an interactive Forum, "Engaging consumers in our global village" on 4 May. This event will precede COPOLCO’s Plenary meeting on 5-6 May.


Engaging consumers in our global village

Recent events have illustrated the interconnectedness of our world, exposing it for the global village that consumers have long known it to be. Working towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and averting a looming climate crisis are just two examples of global concerns whose solutions start with individual and local choices.  

In order to translate individual consumer aspirations to collective ones, and to channel those aspirations effectively through our consumer networks, COPOLCO needs to adapt continually to meet future challenges. 

Aim of the forum

The Forum will aim to help members and their stakeholders to:

  1. Engage with COPOLCO activities more effectively 
  2. Connect better with consumer interests in their own country,  
  3. Share good practices and ideas to complement preliminary survey conclusions, and 
  4. "Future-proof" COPOLCO by capturing trends and needs in members' countries to take forward for COPOLCO's future actions. 

Target audience

The event will be virtual, bringing together COPOLCO members and their national delegations, liaison representatives, Policy Development Committee Chairs, and 香港六合彩开奖 Directors.


The COPOLCO Plenary sparks lively discussion by committee members on topics in standardization that would benefit consumers and civil society.
Being the channel for consumer demand, the Plenary presents an opportunity to focus ideas about consumer policy to meet market needs.

  • When

    4-6 May 2021

  • Where

    Virtual meeting

  • Language


  • who
  • Representatives of COPOLCO national committees, and liaison organizations. 

Standards working to keep us safer in both virtual and physical spaces.


12:00 - 12:15 1. Welcome and opening, announcements

Guillermo Zucal 
Dana Kissinger-Matray 

12:15 - 12:30

2. From ideal to real – first steps forward
Presentation of member survey results, CAG actions to date 

Guillermo Zucal and Sadie Dainton 

12:30 - 12:35

3. From ideal to real – finding pathways  
Instructions for virtual breakout groups 

Dana Kissinger-Matray 

12:35 - 13:15

Moderated discussions in virtual breakout groups (each group assigned one question) 

Discussion group moderators 

Question 1) What do you think the five most important consumer issues will be in the next five years?
This group shall identify and reach general consensus from the group on the top five issues, based on group members' national experiences.  

Question 2) What have been success factors in engaging consumer interests in your country, and why?
This group shall share experiences with successful consumer interest engagement and the most important factors/actions taken contributing to success.    

Question 3) What have been success factors in addressing a consumer protection issue in your country, and why?
This group shall share experiences with successful outcomes for a consumer protection issue using standards and/or legislation, and the most important factors/actions taken contributing to success. 

Question 4) What would attract consumer stakeholders in your country to participate in COPOLCO working groups?
What would make their participation easier? What would make it more interesting? What value proposition can you formulate for your national stakeholders? This group shall briefly address each of the specific questions. 

Question 5) How would you measure COPOLCO’s success five years from now? 
This group shall generate four or five possible different criteria for measuring success, and the reasons for these choices. 

  Coffee break  

13:30 - 14:00 

4. From ideal to real – crossing paths
Reporting back to the plenary session by groups (2 minutes per group) 


14:00 - 14:10 



14:10 - 14:15 

5. Concluding remarks and announcements 

Guillermo Zucal  

  Short break  

14:20 - 14:40 

Orientation session for new members  

D. Kissinger-Matray  

14:40 - 14:50


14:50 - 15:00

Last remarks, close of the orientation session   


Moderator Discussion Activity

Group 1 – Teresa Corbin 

Question 1: Group 1 and 2 

Group 1 presents on question 1 

Group 2 – Rémi Reuss 


Group 2 adds to Group 1's report 

Group 3 – Karin Both 

Question 2: Groups 3 and 4 

Group 3 presents on question 2 

Group 4 – Aubrey LeBlanc 


Group 4 adds to Group 3's report 

Group 5 – Michaela Miller 

Question 3: Groups 5 and 6 

Group 5 presents on question 3 

Group 6 – Thalita Romano 


Group 6 adds to Group 5's report 

Group 7 – Saral James

Question 4: Groups 7 and 8 

Group 7 presents on question 4 

Group 8 – Jens Henriksson 


Group 8 adds to Group 7's report 

Group 9 – John Furbank 

Question 5: Groups 9 and 10 

Group 9 presents on question 5 

Group 10 – Julie Hunter 


Group 10 adds to Group 9's report 

NOTE: even-numbered groups should compare/contrast with preceding groups' conclusions  


11:30 Waiting room open in Zoom    


1. Opening of the meeting

  G. Zucal
D. Kissinger-Matray

12:10 - 12:15

2. Adoption of the agenda

G. Zucal
12:15 - 12:50

3. Key developments across 香港六合彩开奖
3.1. Presentation
3.2. Q&A

Oral report S. Mujica
12:50 - 13:15 4. Capacity-building and development tools in 香港六合彩开奖
4.1. Presentation
4.2. Q&A
Oral report E. Kieck
13:15 - 13:30 5. Strategic directions for COPOLCO
5.1. CAG activities
5.2. Q&A
N562 G. Zucal
S. Dainton
C.  Draghici
13:30 - 13:45 Coffee break    
13:45 - 14:00

6. COPOLCO's strategic review
6.1. Highlights of Forum discussion
6.2. Status of activities
6.3. Q&A


G. Zucal
S. Dainton
C. Draghici

14:00 - 14:15

7. Regional engagement outreach
7.1 Update
7.2 Q&A


G. Zucal

14:15 - 14:35

8. Chair's reports on items not otherwise covered in the agenda
8.1. Report
8.2. Q&A



G. Zucal
14:35 - 14:50 9. Secretary's report on items not otherwise covered in the agenda
9.1. Report
9.2. Q&A
N566 D. Kissinger-Matray
14:50 - 15:00 10. Wrap-up, Day 1 and announcements for Day 2   TBD
15:00 11. Adjourn the meeting   G. Zucal
11:30 Waiting room open in Zoom    


Opening of the meeting, announcements

  G. Zucal

12:05 - 12:25

12. 香港六合彩开奖/COPOLCO - Capacity-building mentorship programme and related work (WG3) update
12.1. Programme description
12.2. Pilot programme debrief
12.3. Next steps
12.4. Q&A

R. Reuss
A. Serra
Others TBD
12:25 - 12:45

13. Communication & outreach (WG20) update
13.1. Communication plan (working document)
13.2. Information deliverables (publications and web content)
13.3. Q&A

N568 H. Kimera
12:45 - 13:05 14. Key areas for consumers (WG2) update
14.1. Results of the survey on deliverables
14.2. Key areas report and programme
14.3. Q&A
N569 J. Furbank
13:05 - 13:25 15. Global marketplace (WG5) update
15.1. Current initiatives
15.2. Cooperation with IEC on AI
15.3. Q&A
N570 T. Corbin
S. James
13:25 - 13:40 Coffee break    
13:40 - 14:00

16. Product safety (WG4) update
16.1. Gap analysis of instructions for use
16.2. Incident investigation report
16.3. NWIP in Menstrual products
16.4. Q&A


K. Both
E. Moon

14:00 - 14:20

17. Consumer needs in service (WG18) update
17.1. Publication of 香港六合彩开奖/IEC Guide 76
17.2. NWIP on product and service information for consumers
17.3. Investigations on services needs
17.4. Q&A


Liu Chengyang
J. Hunter

14:20 - 14:35

18. Consumer International report
18.1. Update on activities
18.2. Collaboration and networking


H. Leurent
14:35 - 14:50 19. ANEC report
19.1. Update on activities
19.2. Areas of common interest
N574 J. Henriksson
14:50 - 15:00 20. Any other business, closing remarks   G. Zucal
15:00 21. Adjourn the meeting   G. Zucal


Dr Cristina Draghici