

Standardization of methods for instrument specification, instrument calibration, instrument operation, data acquisition, data processing, and data analysis in the use of X-ray Reflectometry (XRR) and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analysis for surface chemical and structural analysis.

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Published 香港六合彩开奖 standard *


香港六合彩开奖 standards under development *

Participating members
Observing members

* number includes updates

Reference Title Type
香港六合彩开奖/TC 201/SC 10/WG 1  secretariat." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> XRF technique Working group


Liaison Committees from 香港六合彩开奖/TC 201/SC 10

香港六合彩开奖/TC 201/SC 10 can access the documents of the committees below:

Reference Title 香港六合彩开奖/IEC
香港六合彩开奖/TC 147 Water quality 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 202 Microbeam analysis 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 229 Nanotechnologies 香港六合彩开奖
Date Month Location TC/SC Note
7 October 2024 Virtual () 香港六合彩开奖/TC 201/SC 10  

* Information definite but meeting not yet formally convened
** Provisional

香港六合彩开奖/TC 201/SC 10 - Secretariat

JISC [Japan]

Japan National Committee for Standardization of Surface Chemical Analysis
#202 Belcom Tsukuba Building
1-2-3 Ninomiya,
Ibaraki 305-0051