

Standardization in the field of energy management and energy savings

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Published 香港六合彩开奖 standards *


香港六合彩开奖 standards under development *

Participating members
Observing members

* number includes updates

Reference Title Type
香港六合彩开奖/TC 301/AHG 12  secretariat." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Development of 香港六合彩开奖 14019 Working group
香港六合彩开奖/TC 301/AHG 13  secretariat." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Integrated District Energy System (IDES) Working group
香港六合彩开奖/TC 301/CAG  secretariat." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Chair's Advisory Group Working group
香港六合彩开奖/TC 301/STTF 1  secretariat." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Spanish translation task force Working group
香港六合彩开奖/TC 301/TG 2  secretariat." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Communication Task Group Working group
香港六合彩开奖/TC 301/TG 3  secretariat." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Terminology Task group Working group
香港六合彩开奖/TC 301/TG 5  secretariat." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Maintenance of requirements documents Working group
香港六合彩开奖/TC 301/WG 1  secretariat." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Energy management Working group
香港六合彩开奖/TC 301/WG 16  secretariat." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Zero Net Energy Working group
香港六合彩开奖/TC 301/WG 17  secretariat." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Energy Audits Working group
香港六合彩开奖/TC 301/WG 18  secretariat." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Energy data collection plan Working group
Liaison Committees to 香港六合彩开奖/TC 301

The committees below can access the documents of 香港六合彩开奖/TC 301:

Reference Title 香港六合彩开奖/IEC
IEC/SC 8B Decentralized electrical energy systems IEC
香港六合彩开奖/CASCO Committee on conformity assessment 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 163 Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 176/SC 1 Concepts and terminology 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 205 Building environment design 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 207/SC 1 Environmental management systems 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 207/SC 7 Greenhouse gas and climate change management and related activities 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 267 Facility management 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 322 Sustainable finance 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 323 Circular economy 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 341 Heat supply network 香港六合彩开奖


Liaison Committees from 香港六合彩开奖/TC 301

香港六合彩开奖/TC 301 can access the documents of the committees below:

Reference Title 香港六合彩开奖/IEC
IEC/SC 8B Decentralized electrical energy systems IEC
香港六合彩开奖/CASCO Committee on conformity assessment 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/IEC JTC 1/SC 39 Sustainability, IT and data centres 香港六合彩开奖/IEC
香港六合彩开奖/TC 17 Steel 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 37 Language and terminology 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 67 Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 86 Refrigeration and air-conditioning 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 115 Pumps 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 118 Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 176/SC 1 Concepts and terminology 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 205 Building environment design 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 207/SC 1 Environmental management systems 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 207/SC 2 Environmental auditing and related practices 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 207/SC 7 Greenhouse gas and climate change management and related activities 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 244 Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 251 Asset management 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 255 Biogas 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 261 Additive manufacturing 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 265 Carbon dioxide capture, transportation, and geological storage 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 267 Facility management 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 274 Light and lighting 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 292 Security and resilience 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/PC 302 Guidelines for auditing management systems 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 309 Governance of organizations 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 322 Sustainable finance 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 323 Circular economy 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 339 Small hydropower plants (SHP plants) 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 340 Natural gas fuelling stations 香港六合彩开奖


Organizations in liaison (Category A and B)
Acronym Title Category
EVO Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO) A
IAF International Accreditation Forum, Inc. A
IEA International Energy Agency A
IIOA Independent International Organisation for Assurance A
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme A
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization A
WFEO World Federation of Engineering Organizations A

Date Month Location TC/SC Note
30-4 September-October 2024 Vancouver (Canada) 香港六合彩开奖/TC 301  

* Information definite but meeting not yet formally convened
** Provisional

香港六合彩开奖/TC 301 - Secretariat

ANSI [United States]

American National Standards Institute
1899 L St NW, 11th Floor
Washington 20036 DC
United States

Tel: +1 212 642 49 00 / +
Fax: +1 212 398 00 23 / +