

Standardization of calculation methods in the field of thermal and hygrothermal performance of materials, products, components, elements and systems, and the thermal, hygrothermal and energy performance of whole buildings, both new and existing, including their interaction with the technical building systems.

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Published 香港六合彩开奖 standards *


香港六合彩开奖 standards under development *

Participating members
Observing members

* number includes updates

Reference Title Type
香港六合彩开奖/TC 163/SC 2/WG 15  secretariat." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Energy Performance calculation methods Working group
香港六合彩开奖/TC 163/SC 2/WG 16  secretariat." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Hourly data for assessing the annual energy use for heating and cooling Working group
香港六合彩开奖/TC 163/SC 2/WG 17  secretariat." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Detailed calculation for thermal performance of windows, doors and shading devices Working group
Liaison Committees to 香港六合彩开奖/TC 163/SC 2

The committees below can access the documents of 香港六合彩开奖/TC 163/SC 2:

Reference Title 香港六合彩开奖/IEC
香港六合彩开奖/TC 59/SC 17 Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 160 Glass in building 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 205 Building environment design 香港六合彩开奖


Liaison Committees from 香港六合彩开奖/TC 163/SC 2

香港六合彩开奖/TC 163/SC 2 can access the documents of the committees below:

Reference Title 香港六合彩开奖/IEC
IEC/TC 82 Solar photovoltaic energy systems IEC
香港六合彩开奖/TC 59/SC 17 Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 160 Glass in building 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 205 Building environment design 香港六合彩开奖


Organizations in liaison (Category A and B)
Acronym Title Category
CIE International Commission on Illumination A
ECOS (Environment) Environmental Coalition on Standards A
EURIMA European Association of Insulation Manufacturers A
European Aluminium European Aluminium A
EuroWindoor AISBL European Window, Curtain Wall and Door Manufacturers A
FESI European Federation of Associations of Insulation Contractors A

香港六合彩开奖/TC 163/SC 2 - Secretariat

SN [Norway]

Standards Norway
Lilleakerveien 2a
NO-NO-0283 Oslo

Tel: +47 67 83 86 00