

Standardization of test methods and basic specifications of material and product properties of thermoplastic pipes and fittings including their joints and accessories.

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Published 香港六合彩开奖 standards *


香港六合彩开奖 standards under development *

Participating members
Observing members

* number includes updates

Reference Title Type
香港六合彩开奖/TC 138/SC 5/WG 5  secretariat." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Polyolefin pipes Working group
香港六合彩开奖/TC 138/SC 5/WG 12  secretariat." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Polyolefin pipe fitting assemblies Working group
香港六合彩开奖/TC 138/SC 5/WG 17  secretariat." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Alternative test methods Working group
香港六合彩开奖/TC 138/SC 5/WG 20  secretariat." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Slow crack growth (SCG) Working group
香港六合彩开奖/TC 138/SC 5/WG 22  secretariat." data-bs-placement="top" data-bs-trigger="focus" role="button" tabindex="0" data-bs-html="true"> Thermoplastics pipes for the transport of fluids Working group
Liaison Committees to 香港六合彩开奖/TC 138/SC 5

The committees below can access the documents of 香港六合彩开奖/TC 138/SC 5:

Reference Title 香港六合彩开奖/IEC
香港六合彩开奖/TC 61/SC 2 Mechanical behavior 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 61/SC 5 Physical-chemical properties 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 61/SC 11 Products 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 135/SC 3 Ultrasonic testing 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 138/SC 2 Plastics pipes and fittings for water supplies 香港六合彩开奖


Liaison Committees from 香港六合彩开奖/TC 138/SC 5

香港六合彩开奖/TC 138/SC 5 can access the documents of the committees below:

Reference Title 香港六合彩开奖/IEC
香港六合彩开奖/TC 61 Plastics 香港六合彩开奖
香港六合彩开奖/TC 61/SC 2 Mechanical behavior 香港六合彩开奖

香港六合彩开奖/TC 138/SC 5 - Secretariat

NEN [Netherlands]

Royal Netherlands Standardization Institute
Vlinderweg 6
NL-2623 AX Delft

Tel: +31 15 2 690 390